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1 Cello outfit 4/4
Fitted up with Jaguar Strings, carbon fibre spike,
Wittner Tailpiece and Ebony pegs and fingerboard.Condition New cello , case, bow and rosin.
Click on image to enlarge.Images are not this instrument but same quality.
2 Made by James Beatley No 128 after. Antonius Stradivari 1712 Davidov Cello 4/4.
The one piece maple back is slab cut with quarter sawn ribs and scroll of well figured maple
The spruce front is of medium grain. The varnish is fossil and gum resins in linseed oil antique finish.
Set up is the new TOVA SET -UP this is a new set up which brings a unique player experience
The new longer strings make for ease of playing with a very free sonority. Cevelets Despiau*** bridge.
titanium endpin.Anima Nova soundpost.Price includes super light weight carbon fibre case €18,000.00
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3 Made by James Beatley No 107 after. Antonius Stradivari 1712 Davidov Cello 4/4.
The one piece maple back is slab cut with quarter sawn ribs and scroll of well figured maple
The spruce front is of medium grain. The varnish is fossil and gum resins in linseed oil antique finish.
Fitted with Rosewood pegs and Harmonie tailpiece by Bois d'Harmonie Cevelets Despiau*** bridge.
titanium endpin.Anima Nova soundpost.Price includes super light weight carbon fibre case €18,000.00
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here are six photo's.Sold
4 Made by James Beatley No 100 after. Antonius Stradivari 1712 Davidov Cello 4/4.
This decorated cello celebrates the number one hundred instrument in the violin family which I have made. The neck is a split neck with floral carving at the neck root and pegbox cheeks. A skunk stripe of ebony at the back of the neck and purfling through the centre of the scroll. The eyes of the scroll are finished with a shamrock. The two piece maple back of first quality Tonewood has a fern wreath under the button with the word "Céad" which is The Irish for "100".also my usual stamp "J.B.Dublin". Lower down near the C bout or the acoustic centre of the back is carved The Irish harp, and lower down again is the Dublin City emblem of the three burning castles. Each corner of the back has a small Shamrock carved. The ribs have a floral inlay repeats seven times.
The spruce front has a beautiful even close grain across its width. The varnish is fossil and gum resins in linseed oil antique finish. The set-up in now the new TOVA set up. Cevelets Despiau*** bridge. titanium endpin.Anima Nova soundpost. Price includes light weight case €22,000.00
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here are six photo's.

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